Clean water is an indispensable resource, which modern piping supply systems have made more accessible. That’s why you might be wondering why it’s even necessary to have a water filtration system, let alone a whole house water filter system.
Actually, having a whole house water filter is not only recommended but, in some cases, a necessity. We do not realize how water can fail to be sanitary if it looks crystal clear when it’s coming from the tap. The truth is, crystal clear water does not automatically indicate quality hygienic water. Whole house filtration systems can aid in keeping the water purified. What’s more, water treatments can soften the hard water, eliminating all signs of limescale, skin irritation, and more.
Are you looking to find out more about water filtration systems? Look no further, we’ve provided a comprehensive guide to the why’s, the how’s, and the where’s of whole house water filtration systems. We will first dive into why exactly you might want to think about installing a whole house water filter.
Importance of Using a Whole House Water Filter
So, you think your water is crystal clear and hence does not need to go through any excessive filtration systems to be cleaner. Consider this, although the water supplied to us is clean, it still has to go through miles of pipes to get to us, which could lead to in-transit water contamination. Pipe debris or other contaminants are highly possible with the water traveling continuously to get to our faucets.
Another issue to consider is excess chlorination and fluoridation of the water. Although chlorine is extremely effective in eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses, the same can’t be said for fluoride. Many municipalities have said the negatives of fluoride vastly outweigh the positives. Excessive chlorine and fluoride can have unpleasant odor and taste, but more than that, the surplus of the chemicals can be harmful to pets and humans alike.
Implementing a whole house water filter aids in eliminating those troubles, and even more! For instance, since 2019, more than 320 toxic contaminants have been identified inside the water in the United States alone. Having a whole house water filter will enable you to eliminate those possible pathogens and ensure your family’s health. Water filtration systems can fully remove the foul odor and taste of hard water containing excess chlorine and fluoride. There are even more perks, let’s read more in-depth on all the benefits water filtration systems have to offer.
Benefits of Water Filtration
As mentioned, the whole house water filtration system can provide you with benefits more than just eliminating contaminants. One of the best perks of whole house water filters is their ability to get rid of all signs of hard water. Though water filtration systems differ, the majority of the filtration systems are able to revert problems caused by hard water. Without excess chlorine and fluoride, soft water doesn’t lead to scaling, corrosion, or mineral build-up around the faucet, showers, or appliances.
Generally, filtration systems also increase the overall quality of water with the balance of minerals and softness of the water. Likewise, with the decreased usage of bottled water, the benefits to the environment are immeasurable. Other benefits of incorporating filters in your home for the long-term include:
- Decreased plumbing maintenance
- Improved taste of the water
- Better metabolism
- Less skin irritation
- Increased longevity for your appliances and clothes
Though there are different types of water filters, installing any will be beneficial regardless. But how do you choose the right filtration system for your house? We have some questions you should consider when selecting the ideal water filtration system for your home.
Guide for Choosing the Best Whole House Water Filter
You’ve decided to buy a whole house water filter, but what do you need to consider in order to buy the best filtration system for your home?
As with all products sold on the market, every filtration system has a different purpose and advantages. To best find a good fit you have to narrow down your key concerns, what you can afford, and what suits your home best. For instance, there are more affordable and straightforward fridge unit filtrations for filtering only drinking water in the fridge. This is quite affordable but leaves the rest of the home vulnerable.
Another thing to consider is where you would prefer to have your water filtered. There are filters that can be either installed directly at the faucet or other filters which need to be installed at the entry source of the water supply; which fits your home the best? Consider some of these questions when choosing your water filtration system.
- Analyze your supply point – Where is your water supply source, and which filtration point (i.e., at the faucet) is more convenient for the house?
- Measure the flow rate of your faucet – This helps to match water flow and pressure from the sink with the correct filter, so no leakage occurs in the future.
- What is the main purpose of using the water filtration system? – whether it’s cleaner water, decrease in limescale, or eliminate skin irritation, the answering this question will help you choose the best option.
- Check the manufacturer credibility – The last point is crucial because you should conduct extensive research on the seller, the products, and the credibility to know you are buying an authentic product that will function properly.
Now that you have an idea of what you might be looking for, let’s see some of the best water treatment options on the market.
Types Of Whole House Water Filter Systems
As mentioned above, there are various types of whole house filtration systems out on the market; varying innovations and brands to fit your home with diverse prices, installations, and accessibility. We have a list of some of the most popular and innovative filters with descriptions, pros, and cons!
Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Water Filter
Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) water filtration system is one of the most popular and widely sold filtration systems, with numerous brands and manufacturers providing varying benefits. The primary way GAC filters operate is through a raw organic carbon material, which once heated, is activated to eliminate contaminants.
The benefits of the GAC filter are its affordable price and its ability to remove the majority of the water contaminants, including chlorine and pesticides. The major drawback of the GAC filter is that it is a cartridge-based filter, thus requiring maintenance and the inability to filter through heavy metals.
Ultraviolet (UV) Water Filter
Another innovative water filter on the market is a UV water filtration system that incorporates UV light rays to remove microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and cysts. It is highly regarded due to its positive environmental impact and ease of use but fails to remove all other types of contaminants as the UV rays travel in a straight line. In order to have a full effect of the UV water filter, it is essential to implement it alongside sediment filter as UV filter cannot filter through heavy metals on its own.
Reverse Osmosis Filters
The Reverse Osmosis filtration system is one of the favored systems on the market for its ability to remove contaminants meticulously–eliminating up to 99% of water contaminants. The filtration system works by incorporating pressure and a semipermeable membrane, where water passes through it, leaving behind up to 99% of contaminants and pathogens. Another positive of RO filters is their longevity, needing to replace the membrane once every 2-3 years. The drawback of the Reverse Osmosis filter is its excruciating price but more than that how it is not eco-friendly, as it produces significant wastewater levels.
Vortex Treatment
Finally, we have one of the most innovative whole house water filtration systems, the vortex treatment. This is a distinct approach to water filtration as its main objective is to consider the water’s natural movements and form to then imitate it. This can be understood by how water can reform its micro-structured molecular form depending on external factors. Vortex water takes into account all this and mimics the flow and movement of water found in mountain springs to produce something often understood as structured water.
Let’s elaborate more on the vortex water and vortex treatment to find out how it works and its benefits.
Premium-Quality Whole House Well Water Filter System
Vortex water treatment is a filtration system that has the ability to revitalize the water and reform water into structured water. Structured water has become a buzzword, but it truly is a phenomenal state of water that naturally occurs in untouched water sources such as mountain springs and glacier waters. This ensues as water flows and moves through the creeks and rocks to create a vortexing motion and mold a hexagonal micro-clustered molecular structure. This structure revives and brings extraordinary benefits to the water, so let’s see what advantages vortex water can bring to your home.
Optimal Sanitation
Revived structure of the vortex water gives it the capacity to self-clean continuously. This unique ability not only eliminates all the bacteria and viruses but removes excess chlorine, fluoride, and sulfur. With sustained refreshment, water becomes much cleaner and softer without losing all of its essential minerals.
Improved Hydration
With the established micro molecular structure, vortex water can travel deeper into our bodies and cells, increasing hydration without requiring larger volumes of water. More substantial and longer hydration means better performing cells, allowing your body to be in its peak health and performance.
Ideal pH Levels
Even if the water supply is clean, pH levels can go askew, either too alkaline or too acidic. The imbalance of the pH levels can be detrimental to the health of our bodies, messing with the metabolism and even causing nausea or diarrhea. On top of that, if the pH levels aren’t neutral, it can even lead to the corrosion of plumbing, sinks, and appliances. On the other hand, Vortex water has been shown to constantly fall between the ideal pH levels of 6.8 to 7.2, stopping all issues of alkaline or acidic water.
Increase in Dissolved Oxygen Levels
Wastewater and environmental impact should be another important aspect one should consider when thinking of filtration systems. Large volumes of wastewater can be not only costly but bad for aquatic life as well. Observations have shown vortex water to have increased dissolved oxygen (DO) levels, which is essential to the survival of aquatic biotas.
Healthier Skin & Hair
With improved hydration, softer water, and better water quality, vortex water leads to healthier, more supple skin and hair. Showering, washing up, and even swimming in pools becomes more pleasant, with the skin being less irritated and overall more full of vitality.
Vortex Water Revitalizer – The Best Whole House Water Filtration System for 2022
The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ is a groundbreaking vortex treatment solution for your whole house. With the ability to revive the structure of the water, The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ provides you with all the benefits mentioned above and more!
As we described, water’s vortex structure is lost due to all the invasive treatment systems, pipe pressures, and chemical additives that water goes through. The unnatural treatments take a toll on water, stripping it of all its benefits. This is where The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ comes in! The water treatment utilizes a double spiral mechanism to mimic the flow of water found in nature to revitalize the water and bring back its distinct abilities. With the particular flow, water regains its hexagonal micro-clustered molecular structure, providing you with vortex water right at your faucet.
The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ makes having a quality and affordable whole house water filter system easy! With straightforward installation for all the possible water entries in your home and no up-keep maintenance requirements, vortex water can be at all water points in your home. The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ is for a lifetime, so a singular purchase is all that is needed! No future cartridge replacements or maintenance requirements.
There are more benefits! The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ believes in customer satisfaction and provides all customers and their homes with a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee and a 10-Year Limited Warranty! Find the perfect whole house water filter system with The Vortex Water Revitalizer™!
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