Poultry farming is one of the leading agricultural industries, and its importance can be seen in our daily lives. The consumption and incorporation of eggs and meat for a healthy diet are essential for the majority of people’s lives worldwide.
But the quality of the birds’ development highly differs in the type of product produced, which in itself depends on other varying factors. Factors such as feed type, the environment surrounding the birds, or the quality of water consumed affect the health of these birds, as well as the quality of meat, eggs, and feathers produced.
One of the most critical factors for great poultry farming is the quality and quantity of water used. How exactly does water quality vary?
Quite frankly, immensely:
Depending on the type of water supplied and used, water can contain excess chlorine levels, minerals such as calcium and magnesium, and others. This can cause issues to the pipes, environment, and even complications to the metabolism of the birds.
As more people have understood the importance of quality water, the buzz around structured water has increased, as it’s said to provide healthier, better, and more delicious water. But what is this structured water, and how useful is it to poultry farming?
So let’s find out how important water is to poultry farming, what vortex water is and how structured water can help improve the quality of poultry farming.
Let’s dive in!
What is Poultry Farming?
Poultry farming is one of the agricultural activities that consists of raising birds such as chicken, turkeys, ducks, geese, and other bird types for domestic and commercial purposes. Poultry farming provides us with eggs, meat, and feathers.
The incorporation of poultry farming has been vital in economic and social development for centuries. Even today, poultry farming is one of the most booming industries, with the value of production and sales accumulating to $40.4 billion in 2019.
Poultry farming is vital to the health of humans as it is one of the leading sources of protein, among other essential minerals and nutrients, but the benefits don’t end there. For instance, even the waste material (the feces) is reused as manure to enhance soil fertility.
It’s also noteworthy that starting a poultry farm is comparatively easy as it requires lower capital, has a higher yield, and a faster return on investment. This creates better business opportunities and work positions for the community.
That being said, though the industry is still one of the leading ones in agriculture, there are a number of challenges posed to poultry farming.
Challenges to the Poultry Farming
The consumption of poultry increases, but so do the inevitable challenges to the poultry farming industry. These types of challenges are both social and environmental.
Consumer Confidence
The increase in consumers’ understanding and skepticism towards poultry’s safety and ethical productions has proven to be a challenge to the poultry farming industry. Consumers are more knowledgeable and cautious with foodborne diseases, such as salmonella, which causes a decrease in meat and dairy product consumption.
Similarly, ethical views on animal farming have shifted with expectations of free-range poultry farming and increased veganism due to perceived animal cruelty.
Poultry is fed mainly on grains and cereals; this has shown to be a challenge to poultry farming as feed costs have increased due to the competition of selling such grains to humans instead of using them for poultry feed. In many countries worldwide, extra costs of feeds have become a prominent issue.
Disease Outbreak
Due to the movement of poultry globally, an increase in infection and reinfection has become a concern. Diseases and infections are generally one of the most common concerns to poultry farming as it kills the birds, and undetected infections could render foodborne diseases. The incurred costs of disease diagnosis and treatment are also the other side of this challenge.
The inclusion of antibiotics has become controversial and a challenge to poultry farming. Though the inclusion of antibiotics is essential for the health of the birds, many consumers question the health problems it will lead to the human consumption of birds fed on antibiotics.
Water Quality & Quantity
Water is essential to birds, not only in their consumption but also for body temperature regulation. Large quantities of water are necessary for the environment around the birds as well as for the birds, as the quality and quantity of the water directly impact the amount of feed required. Water is an important source for all animals alike; let’s see how vital it truly is to poultry farming.
How Important is Water In Poultry Farming?
Water is crucial in poultry farming; it is not only used for the birds to drink, but for accomodating poultry housing as well. For instance, water is used as a means to decrease air temperature by fogging systems.
Needless to say, the quality and the quantity of the water is vital for the birds themselves as it affects their growth and development. Not only that, lack of quality water can take a toll on:
- Metabolism
- Body temperature regulation
- Nutrient transportation
- Joint and organ lubrication
If the quality of the water is poor, it can impact the overall performance, hinder the effectiveness of the vaccines and medications, which are given through water lines. Substandard water quality can also lead to indirect issues such as clogging up water lines and cooling systems, which again are vital to the development and growth of the birds.
For example, in an average heat temperature, chickens consume double the amount of water compared to their feed. In hotter seasons, this amount quadruples! If there isn’t sufficient water, it is challenging for the poultry to have a standard metabolic rate or grow adequately. Lack of quality water in extreme cases can lead to a lowered rate of egg-laying and even premature death.
The Efficacy of Structured Water
Structured water has been a buzzword recently, with many talking about how the quality of structured water is beyond phenomenal. That is the correct assumption, but how exactly does structured water work? And what is the efficacy of structured water?
Let’s start by defining what constitutes structured water:
Chemically speaking, structured water is still H₂O, but it differs due to its hexagonal micro-clustered molecular structure. This type of structure is found in water flowing through glacier melts, mountain springs, and other untouched water sources. In short, structured water is water in its most natural form.
Structured water is often referred to as vortex water. The reason behind this is that water’s molecular structure in nature is secured by its natural vortex-like flow. This movement form keeps water’s vitality in place by maintaining its micro-clustered molecular equilibrium.
What makes structured water so special and unique?
With the hexagonal micro-clustered molecules, water is at its best quality, with robust self-cleaning properties, increased hydration, balanced pH levels, and increased dissolved oxygen levels. These benefits are lost once the water loses its natural habitat and goes through rigorous systems, such as being pumped through the pipes, going through multiple treatments, and receiving additives like chlorine.
Though structured water is found in untouched water sources, some methods can be used to revive the water’s molecular structure and The Vortex Water Revitalizer is one of those treatments. This solution mimics the vortex-like flow of water, thus rearranging its molecules in a hexagonal manner.
Re-structure your Poultry with Structured Water
There are many benefits to introducing structured water to the birds as it can aid in increased hydration, better immunity, weight consistency, and healthier overall development.
How do you implement structure water into poultry farming, though?
Short answer – in every way.
The obvious is to feed your birds structured water, which in itself will create immense benefits in the health, development, and growth of the birds, as well as the quality meat, eggs, and feathers produced.
Vortex water can be used to enhance the environment around the birds as well; implementing the structured water for irrigation purposes can lead to more resistance against weeds. The incorporation of body temperature regulators via fogging systems or cooling systems can bring the environment and the air for the birds to optimal levels while having cleaner air around.
Now let’s break down the benefits of structured water for poultry:
Benefits Structure Water Brings To Poultry Farming
Increased weight in a shorter period
Structured water delivers cleaner water to the birds and can transfer nutrients more efficiently and effectively. The research has shown that the chicken consuming structured water had gained weight faster and healthier than those who were not consuming it.
Improved egg quality and quantity
Improvement in metabolism, weight, and development of the birds leads to more frequent and healthier eggs being laid. This increases output and decreases the input costs required for the number of birds.
Mortality Rate Reduction
There have been cases of an increase in the health of birds and a decrease in both premature and overall mortality rates. Healthier birds living for longer mean better profitability and minimized loss.
Lower incidence of common diseases
Increased wellness of the birds alongside the improvement in the environment due to the implementation of structured water allows to prevention cases of common diseases and infections. This not only leads to enhancement in their health but a decrease in the overall cost of disease treatment, diagnosis, and prevention.
Improved Feather Quality
Healthier birds improve not only the quality of the output but also their feather quality and coloration. Not only are they more weighted, more nutritious, and grown, but they look it too.
Buy Vortex Water Revitalizer for your Poultry Farming
The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ is a vortex water treatment that enables one to revitalize the water and bring it to its optimal capabilities. This treatment solution is one of the best to aid in poultry farming, making it easier to access structured water than ever before.
The benefits of structured water for poultry farming are numerous and monumental, as mentioned above, and The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ lets you reap all those benefits and more!
Vortex water not only revitalizes the water but with its restored benefits its continuous to improve the environment around and the health of the birds. There are added benefits of using The Vortex Water Revitalizer™:
Dissolved Oxygen Levels
Research has shown that vortex water has increased and activated dissolved oxygen levels, which creates a hospitable environment for aerobic (the good) bacteria. Higher levels of dissolved oxygen are also better for the environment and essential to the survival of aquatic life–helping not only the poultry but also the environment.
Higher hydration levels
With restored hexagonal micro-clustered molecules, vortex water becomes more hydration, allowing for deeper penetration and less water usage. Increased hydration is better for the birds’ metabolism and the environment surrounding the coops.
Balanced pH Levels
An imbalance in pH levels, be it too acidic or alkaline, can disrupt metabolism and lead to rusting for pipes, among other appliances. The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ leaves the structured water with optimal pH levels, falling between 6.8-7.2. This alleviates all those complications.
Improved Cost-effectiveness
Utilizing The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ is not only cost-effective, but it essentially pays for itself with how cost-effective it is. An increase in hydration levels allows birds to be fuller and require less water and less feed. Pipes and appliances will rust less frequently, not requiring maintenance as often. Decreased overall expenses will enable you to increase output, efficiency, and profitability at lower costs.
Eliminated Bacteria & Balanced Micronutrients
Structured water regains its ability to self-clean continuously. Not only this, it can retain the essential minerals and micronutrients—healthier water for the birds, improved development of the birds, and high-quality output.
Find out more about The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ by looking at our catalog of products. Discover the best-tailored solution for your poultry farming!
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